Research images

Immunoreactivity for Calbindin, a Ca2+-binding protein, in the cerebellum of a postnatal rat of 12 days (P12) using an immunoperoxidase method at the light microscopic level and Normarski optic. Calbindin is expressed in Purkinje cells, where labelling is observed throughout all cellular compartments, including dendrites, spines, cell body and axon.

Characterization of GIRK2-expressing Golgi cells in the adult mouse cerebellum. Double labelling between GIRK2 (green), mGlu2/3 receptor (red) and Neurogranin (blue). All GIRK2-expressing Golgi cells co-expressed neurogranin and mGlu2/3 receptor.

Characterization of GIRK2-expressing cells in the postnatal (P10) cerebellum of Pax2-GFP mice. Double labelling between GIRK2 (red), and Pax2-GFP (green). Pax2 is a transcription factor selectively expressed by cerebellar interneuron precursors, and during neonatal development. Pax2-GFP immunofluorescence strongly and selectively labelled neurons in the molecular layer, internal granule cell layer and white matter.

Triple labelling between GIRK2 (red), Neurogranin (blue) and Pax2-GFP (green). Pax2 is expressed in Golgi cells during postnatal development. Pax2-GFP immunofluorescence strongly and selectively labelled Golgi cells in the granule cell layer and the axons of Golgi cells establishing synaptic contacts in the cerebellar glomeruli; GIRKs labelled cell bodies and dendrites of granule cells.